Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ferro Vault_First Hull

Once all the steel work is done (ferro), the vault is ready to be cemented. Very much like slab day, the whole vault had to be smeared in its entirety in one day. That meant the crew had to get to the site around 6:30 am. We started by dry mixing sand and cement at a 2:1 ratio. That meant 6 wheelbarrows of sand and 3 bags of cement. Wet mixing is done in small batches in wheelbarrows with sisal fibers and immediately smeared onto the steel mesh. Since this was a huge task we hired two additional local workers who have experience working with ferro-cement on the island.

Tyrus and Calvins (extra hands) starting the day 
dry mixing with Samwell

and we're off...smearing begins

smearing the cement/sand/fibers

progress is fast. within about an hour the 
structure is starting to close up

Muogah smearing away

Tyrus taking his rooftop position

radio presenter Nancy "Naz" having a try

Mike up on the roof too

lots and lots of support from a forest of round poles below

fast progress. we reached here by about noon.

Gabs is all smiles when it comes to ferro-cement

so thin

last little bit

At last, the first hull was complete. The crew was done by about 3:30 pm, totaling a little over 8 hours of work. In all, it took only 4-1/2 bags of cement, 9 wheelbarrows of sand, and 14 kg of waterproof admixture.

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